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CESICA Canary Foundation.


Outpatient treatment takes place in Day Centers, and is aimed at adults with substance use problems. It begins with the request for information or help from the affected people or their relatives/partner/environment through a phone call, social networks, email, in person.
In this first phase of the UAD (Drug Addiction Care Units), the information and needs presented by the person are collected, and they are admitted to outpatient treatment, to continue with the exploration and diagnosis of the case: age, substances consumed, path toxicology, personal and family situation, employment, criminal and health situation.
The outpatient program has four phases of treatment:
PHASE A: EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSIS. A_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ complete exploration is carried out through interviews of personal, family, social and health problems. A detection of risk factors and protective factors of each case is made, and an INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN is drawn up, which includes: objectives and goals, timing of the treatment, activities to be carried out, evaluation and supervision. During this phase, abstinence from drug use is worked on with the person.
PHASE B: MOTIVATION TO CHANGE. Intervention begins from the Individual Work Plan proposed between the person and their therapist, to work on the root of the problem and begin to introduce small changes that contribute to maintaining abstinent from drug use.
PHASE C: PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE. It is the phase where self-concept and self-esteem, social and family relationships and behavior patterns, past experiences and traumas are worked on, in order to generate new strategies for life.
PHASE D: SOCIAL INSERTION. During this phase, work begins on disassociating the person from treatment, personal autonomy, medium- and long-term programming, relapse prevention, alcohol use, . .. In addition, work incorporation and the search for accommodation are worked on.
The treatment includes weekly attendance at the Day Center with individual therapy sessions and self-help group therapy, as well as education and training in social and cognitive skills, emotional management, leisure and free time management, preparation of a relapse plan.
The FAMILY PROGRAM is also developed in the Day Center, to provide emotional support and training in addictions to families/couples or accompanying persons, through self-help groups, workshops and family/couple meetings.