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Board of Directors: Board of Trustees

It is the governing and representative body of the Foundation, and manages and represents its interests. It is made up of the figure of Patrons, they are volunteers who, having experience in addictions and social intervention and/or volunteering from different fields: legal/juridical, medical/social, cultural and economic.


Management Team: Management and Technical Direction

They are the people responsible for coordinating the Project and designing, planning and directing the activities of the Foundation, as well as managing the projects carried out and the material and economic resources, under the guidance and by delegation of the Board of Directors. Among its main functions are: accompanying and advising the centers and programs of Proyecto Hombre; advising institutional relations and actions of incidence and social and political influence; and plan the communication, awareness and external image actions of the Foundation, financial management and human resources.


Technical Teams

They are professionals in the field of health, psychology, social work  and other disciplines who work in the prevention and comprehensive care of addictions from the different programs and centers.


Administration area

They are the professional people who manage the economic and administrative management activity of the entity: secretariat, infrastructure control, purchases, human resources and study center.


Communication Area 

From this area, the entity's external and internal communication actions are carried out with the aim of influencing socially to advance in the field of mental health rights, carrying out information, training, awareness and advocacy actions._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_



All the actions of the Foundation are born from the spirit of solidarity and volunteering, and the volunteers or other collaborators participate and enrich the work from all the centers and programs that the entity develops.



Our Board of Trustees was appointed on January 17, 1990 and is made up of the following people:


President – Mr. Antonio Hernández Hernández/ DNI: 41892715-D
Born on the Island of La Palma, he moved to the Island of Tenerife to start, from Volunteering, the creation of a Reception Center in Tenerife, which would respond to the drug problem in the Islands in the 80s and 90s.

After several trips to Proyecto Hombre centers in Spain and Italy, he trained as an Addiction Therapist and began his career as a volunteer and president of the entity.


Vice President –  Mrs. Carmen Luisa González Expósito/ DNI: 42132702-Z

As a volunteer for Cáritas Diocesana in Tenerife, and together with D. Antonio Hernández, she was the founder of the Shelter Center in Tenerife, and promoter of other care programs such as Shelter Apartments, Therapeutic Communities, etc. He has served as Vice President from June 2003 to the present.


Secretary – Mr. Alejandro Martín Perera/ DNI: 78570880-M

He joined the Board of Trustees in 2019 to hold its secretariat, professionally dedicated to Cultural Management in Tenerife, and as a volunteer supporting the management of the Entity since December 2018.

Treasurer – Mr. Francisco Tabares Martín/ DNI: 42159740-J

Accounting and tax advisor active on the Island of La Palma, he works as a volunteer in the Board of Trustees supporting all financial management, and actively collaborating in donation and collaboration campaigns since November 2012.


Vocal –  D. Octavio Armada Verneta/ DNI: 41978945-N

He started at Proyecto Hombre as a volunteer, providing his services as a Lawyer, to join as  Vocal of the Board of Trustees, offering his career as a professional lawyer since December 2019.


Member – Ms. María del Carmen Lázaro Gonzáles/ DNI: 43773916-V

María del Carmen has been practicing Clinical Psychology for more than 25 years, being Vice President of the Proyecto Hombre Association at a national level, and exercising the highest Technical Direction of the Foundation, coordinating human resources, programs and projects, technical coordination, etc. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees since May 2015.


We have the latest update of our statutes in pdf. To consult and expand all the information:

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