MAKE AN APPOINTMENT: 922661020/ 928330140
CESICA Canary Foundation.

RESIDENTIAL CENTERS are accommodation resources, aimed at people with drug addictions who cannot stop using from an outpatient treatment, and require a residential admission.
In addition, it offers care to people in situations of social vulnerability.
The methodology of the residential centers comes from the traditional THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES, and they are centers where, on the one hand, coverage is offered for basic needs and accommodation to carry out the treatment; and on the other hand, a coexistence system that favors personal change, through living with other people, fulfilling responsibilities and schedules, vicarious learning of social and cognitive skills, etc.
The person enters the center, after having attended initial interviews at the Day Centers, and submitting tests for the detection of infectious and contagious diseases and the detection of Covid 19.
Once you enter the center, you are assigned a Reference Therapist, who will accompany you along with another user, in the phase of adaptation to the coexistence and dynamics of the center: schedules, responsibilities, rules, rooms, etc.
Once the person manages to adapt to the dynamics of the Center, their treatment of group therapy, individual therapy and training begins; at the same time that he participates in the coexistence of the center and makes decisions of the same: he is assigned a responsibility and a work sector (cleaning, dining room, administration, laundry, leisure and free time, etc.) that will serve as learning for the training in social and cognitive skills.
The center has all kinds of services: accommodation, dining room, kitchen, toilets, organic garden, sports field and gym, greenhouse and laundry, etc. in addition to educational accompaniment 24 hours.